"" Requiem of the mind: September 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Working on math and pondering.

Been working on my math on and off for the last 2 hours (More off then on). I could have been done an hour ago but my roommate wanted to watch My name is Earl so i watched that. Then showed him my music video.

I was thinking while i was doing my math about getting a tattoo again. I've wanted one for awhile but its always hard to decide on something that will be with you for the rest of your life. I have a few ideas of what i want from something simple to something complex. My list is this so far:

A celtic design going around my arm (about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inch in width)
One of those Japanese words. Probably Baka. (Same spot)
A Tattoo of me getting a tattoo and screaming (Same spot again)

I will probably put it off as I usually do but the list gets bigger and smaller as time goes on. I want something that reflects me and those 3 do that.

I can't wait for tomorrow. We play X-men again and I'm loving that game. It is much better then the game we played before (Tales of Symphonia). I kept meaning to ask Jordan how much i owe him for X-men 2. I'm sure he will read this and let me know.

We are getting Psylocke next (i think) and she is my 4th character. I'm planning on making her a Physical fighter. My other melee character is Rogue who (as stated before) do not like anymore.

I've been reading Catch-22 now for a few days now. I'm not to far into it yet but i am enjoying it. I hope to be finished it in time for Robert Jordan's new Wheel of time book. I'm hoping for a book that is better then Crossroads.

What i'm listening to now: Futurama (Raging Bender)

PS: I remembered something when my math work fell on the floor. I got a friend of JT to buy me a World of Warcraft game card from wal-mart for me. It seems they are selling them for $29.97 for 2 monthes of play. Now for people who havn't played the game probably think this is to much but let me explain. The game costs $14.95 a month american. so $29.90 every 2 monthes american. Wal-mart is selling the game card for $29.97. So they are losing around what? $10 a sale. I don't mind buying gamecards for this price. Go me!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The last few days.

Friday Jordan Stefan Nathan and myself got together for another action pack session of X-Men Legends. When we first started playing this game I really wanted to be Rogue. Now as we play the
game she is my least favorite character by far. My new favorite is Jean Grey. Maybe this is because she is a red head but more likly it is because she can throw things around with her mind. Which is awesome. She has this AoE(area of Effect) ability that does damage to things around her. Now I don't use this power often. Not because its not a good ability but the way I look at it is. If 2 people are coming at me i can pick on up and throw it at the other person, knocking them both back and dealing some nice damage to them at the same time. While in the astral world ( i forget the x-men name for this place) however the AoE ability she has does double damage to the creatures there, so i just run up to them and spam the hell out of it and kill them in 2 hits (maybe 3). We did a mission in the danger room there and i was just tearing the guys apart left and right it was awesome. Cyclops is my other character who for reasons unknown tries to hide who he is by dating Jean Grey. He is a serious powerhouse (no wolverine or colossus but still) and can do crazy eye beam damage all over the place. He has great crowd control with his knockback and his leadership ability just adds more damage to combo's which is nice (oh and it stacks with Storm's leadership). So that was friday.... Oh Jordan and I took a trip to the blue canoe and had a windmill platter. This is a breakfast plate that comes with Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Balogna (sp?) hashbrowns, 2 eggs, 2 full peices of toast and a pancake. We didnt finish it. I blame this on the milkshake I had to drink while enjoying the meal.

Saturday was a day like any other saturday. I got up. Did some homework. Screamed about the homework i was doing (after i vent im usually good to finish the work and carry on). Went to anime here on campus then went to Jordans for our "extra douse of anime". We finished the first season of Initial D (which i slept through most of the last few episodes). I do feel bad that my snoring was interupting the flow of the show but i was tired and knew i wasnt going to get much sleep when i got home ( i will talk about this later). So with that finished The Twins Stefan and myself jump into Stefan's vechicle (i dont know if its a cross between a car and a van or what) and headed home. I think i got home around 3:00-3:30. I check my email and I think i posted a comment on my comment board set my alarm for 9 then went to bed.

I awake to hear my brother banging on the window. He has decided to show up an hour earlier then he told me. I told him to give me 10 minutes to get ready and he said he would be back in 10. 20 minutes of waiting in the driveway later ( i was ready in 10 minutes) my brother returns. I get into the car and she that while i was getting ready for the day he has taken my neice to McDonalds for breakfast. Great no breakfast for me (Since I haven't stated this before I'm going to do so now. My brother wanted company on the drive to Halifax so I decided to go with him. This being said i still had 3 assignments to get done, 2 for monday and one for today). We are starting to get close to an Irvine and i suggest we stop since i havnt had breakfast. I run in and get a coffee and some sort of rib sandwhich (with a chunk of cheese on top). The place had a big line up for cashier even though there was 2 other spots that could have been openned and 2 of the other works were just chatting behind the desk. I pay and leave angry. Not much to say about the drive down except for stopping to change my neice twice and hearing my brother telling me horrible stories about the time he drove to Toronto and New York.... I never want to drive outside of New Brinswick. We arrived in Halifax in record time (Mostly due to the fact of going 140+ the whole way there). I got to see the IWK and Dal while we were there. We dropped my neice off and left the city. We drove for 3 hours and 30 minutes just to be in Halifax for 10 minutes. Great trip! Again nothing much happened on the way back. I drove for an hour as my brother was tired then we stopped at another Irvine gassed up and finished our trip. Right before I got to my brother's place we stopped for some beer. I got some new Alexander Keith's Red Amber (which is good i might add) and he got some Labatt's. I stopped in at my brothers for a bit and saw his new cat Bowser (explained before in a previous entry). He offered me a beer and i said no im driving home and off i was again. Luckily for me i was able to get home before 7:30 and got my assignments all done and was able to watch Simpsons,King of the hill, Family guy and American dad. Well that was my weekend.

Yesterday i found John finally started playing Final Fantasy 11. I told him like a year ago if he ever started playing it i would play with him. I go to install my game and low and behold just as Nathan said the code had expired after 3 monthes of not being used. I ponder on how a company can run a game like this then remember its all about money. Since i was going to wal-mart anyways for a thermos and a coffee mug i picked up a new copy of ff11 it cost me 40 dollars. I was a little angry about it at first then realized that i get a month free and it comes with both expasions so in reality all im paying is an extra 8 bucks for a new code. Which isnt to bad (atleast for me). The next trial was trying to update the damn game. After 3 tries of doing this i was finally able to start patching my game. It took 10 hours. 10 HOURS. My internet connection was screwy for awhile we will probably need to call them up and get them to take a look at it. I finally was able to log on today and try to get onto John's server. Luckily it only took 5 tries to get a character created in the right server as him. If you create a character and delete it each time you make a new one its on a different server so i was able to play the system to get to the right server. Go me! I made a male Tarutaru black mage. This guy is a creature that is about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall with pointed eats and a dogs nose. They are the best magic user race in the game so i went with it. Now to find some time when i can play at the same time as John.

In closing im in that nice new lab they openend on campus (which use to be a lab for java then an open lab for everyone only to be a closed lab again). I first thought it was a UNIX lab but it turned out to be a 50% unix 50% window lab. So yeah.

What im listening to now. The sound of my fingers hitting the keys on the keyboard (for the 30 minutes it took to write this).

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The day before Thursday

I woke up this morning very sore and not feeling well. I sat up a little to quickly then quickly ran to the bathroom.

So I stayed home from classes today. I should be able to get most of the notes from people in the class so there isnt a problem there. I just hope I feel well and confident enough to go to my evenning class tonight.

I was able to finish my World of Warcraft music video today. It can be found here if anyone wants to watch it. I enjoyed making it and I hope to make more in the future. My editting isnt the best but all i had to work with was VirtualDub. If i had the the spare money i would have gone and got that Adobe software (it costs like 600 dollars) but i didn't and VirtualDub was free.

I'm about to go lay down for awhile and hope i feel better when i wake up. I was told my brother is/was sick also so I might have gotten this from him. Yay....

Sunday, September 18, 2005

A lazy sunday

Not to much has happened this week. I have had a taste for all my classes now and slowly getting to know what will be expected from me for each of them. The classes I finally ended up with is a good mix. I have 3 CS classes and 2 math. (I call Economics a math, even if it is a very easy math).

I'v been working on a World of Warcraft music video for the past day. I have about 1 minute of the 3 1/2 song done. I would like to get it finished today but it might not happen.

My neice is down at my parents for the week and I wish I could be down here to see her. I never get to see my neice enough. My brother just got her a kitten named Bowser. He also got the kitten to get the mice at his place.

I was suppose to get the car thursday for the weekend but it turns out my brother will need it so he and my neice can get to places they need to go. I would have liked to have the car but since he needs it I don't mind. The only problem I have is that they all decided this 2 days ago and didn't bother to tell me until today. This is not the first time this has happened and it really bothers me. Sure im not always here but we have an answering machine here and a message could easily have been told to me. I'm glad I told my friends I might have the car instead of I would have the car so atlest I don't look like a liar.

As it is sunday I need to start my laundry. I just hope I remember how to use the dryer. (Pokes Mr. Bramble)

What im listening to: Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles.

Monday, September 12, 2005

One plus one equals four?

I started classes on thursday. My first class of the year was my math class. I use to be good at math then my marks went way down in high school. This was mostly likly caused by my lack of studying and the harder course material. Back to the math class. I get into the class about 5-10 minutes early (as I like to do. It gives me time to relax a bit and maybe read a few pages in my latest book.... Terry Pratchett's The Light Fantastic). It clock slowly gets to 8:30 and the class is around 3/4 full. I put my book away and wait for my Prof. to show up. 8:40.....8:50...some people leave...9:00...everyone leaves. So now I have 2 and a half hours until my next class. I walk around the building on campus for awhile. I take a trip to the finacial desk to get my loan all worked out but see a sign that says "Go to the South Gym". I figure it would take 2 hours at least to get this done so i figured id wait until friday or monday. After about the 2 hour walk finding out my ID card only works for the UNIX labs and not the window labs (Oh and my UNIX password has changed so i need that fixed). I get to my class and wait. The prof walks in and starts with this speach "This is a hard class and if you dont need it to graduate it is highly recommended you do not take it". If it was anyone else giving this speach I might have been worried. I had this Prof. last year and he was a great teacher and made the subject very enjoyable so I think I'll do good.


My first class friday morning is a Computer Organization class. I'm sure I will enjoy it but I get nervous when I'm told there is some labs in the year that you can not miss and they do not tell you what the dates are. My second class was the math class again (if you dont recall from the paragraph up top) which started off nice since I was able to remember the topics she was talking about. My next class was a god sent. It was in the same room and right after my math. It seems like an easier course which I am so greatful for. My classes this fall are killer and any course where i think i can do really well in im greatful for. My last class of the day almost made my cry. I need 6 more science credits for my degree so I thought I would try this course. When I got in there all the Prof's looked like nice people who were keen on teaching. I was rather quickly told about the 60% failure rate. One of those look to your left, look to your right 2 of you will not pass this course situations. I stayed for the class and tried to take notes but the Prof went to fast and there was a group sigh everytime he changed the slide. I withdrew from the class this morning.


I woke up 20 minutes before my alarm and ran to the bathroom. 2-3 minutes later I return to my bed and relax for a bit before the alarm goes off. I get ready for classes quicker then I usually do so I had a few minutes to log onto my favorite MMORPG and played for a bit. I left for class and noticed it was a little warmer then previous days and that I was hearing a strange noise in my ear. I went back inside and removed the shaving cream from the inside of my ear.
Classes started the as friday but just as enjoyable. My CS class passed the same as friday and still seems enjoyable, the same follows for my math.

Now for why the title of this entry is called "One plus one equals four". In my last class of the day I was quietly sitting in class taking notes (as any good student should do) and she asks us a question. The question was if A is 4 and B is 2. If we give up A how many more be can we get. Of course the answer is 2 more B. Then she threw a curve ball (sarcasm) how many B's must be given up to get an A. Now i have sat through many classes and answered many teachers questions, sure I have not always had the right answer but what I heard next blew my mind. Not one person said 2, not 10 people, in fact no one said 2. Over half the class said 4. Thats right 4. I was just sitting there and im sure my jaw was just hanging. I could not believe what I heard. I thought to myself this must be what a elementry school teacher hears all the time, but elementry school was 7 years ago (or more). She looked as dumbfounded as I must have. She asked again and got the same answer, only more people said 4 this time. I was about to pick up my books and leave but im glad I did not. I heard one person say 2. Everyone looked at this person and I sighed in relief that there was someone in the class who was braver then myself and knew the answer. The Prof said it was correct and carried on.

Anyways thats it for the past few days of my life. If this class carries on this way I might have to write a book.

Monday, September 05, 2005

5 Minutes until resurrection

Well i have 5 minutes to kill awhile I wait for the timer to go down. For those of you who haven't played World of warcraft this is a timer that keeps you from coming back to life to quickly.

I really don't have much of an update to talk about. I still have about 3 days left until school starts up again and I'm trying to enjoy this as much as I can. Which involves playing World of Warcraft and Battlefield 2.

I had a large laundry load to do last night and I was up until 6 in the morning doing it. My room was having a damp smell to it so I cleaned and brought in the dehumidifier. These things are great and also a curse. They give off heat which wouldn't be bad in the winter but in summer its a little much. My room is already starting to smell better so I may turn it off soon.

Oh I have been reading up on an older pen and paper RPG Mechwarrior. I might try and talk my friends into getting together one night a week to give it whirl. I still have a lot more to read up on but I have the character building down which is nice. I have quite a few books on it so if I do get it going they will have a nice selection of mech's they could buy along with some nice weapons and maps to play on.

A new thing I want to do while I update is put what im listening to as I type this.

Today the song is: Beat Crusaders: Hit in the USA. The opening to Beck the anime.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

4 days of freedom

Well I finished work friday. It was a good job and I enjoyed the work. I had my own office (cubical) in a nice building with a/c. My job I had before I started working there was at wal-mart. I enjoyed the work at wal-mart. I was an over night stalker and I believe I got along with everywhere there. When I got the job offer for this new job there was no other option. It was 20% more pay. I got to work days, and I also got weekends off so I could hang with friends.

Yesterday (saturday) I went to anime. It wheres a bunch of people go and watch anime (if you didn't pick that up). I use to go the whole time years ago (or even early this year) but now its just going down hill. Maybe it will pick up with new shows in a few weeks.

On fridays some friends and I are playing X-Men Legends. It is a very fun game and I'm enjoying it. I get to play Rogue, Cyclops, and Jean Grey. We just finished a level on a boat where the brotherhood were trying to rescue Megneto from his prison. After quite a few reloads we were able to finish the mission. I can't wait to play it again this friday. Once we are done we are going to start playing x-men legends 2. I hope its out when we finish.

Well thats about it for the past few days. Whoever reads this take care and don't do anything William Shatner wouldn't do.