Halo nurse
So around 6-9 monthes ago Jordan and i started playing a Trilogy. Halo. We had both known about the series but never played and after knowing halo 3 would be coming out this fall we decided to tackle halo 1 and 2 before it launched. I have to admit i never thought id be one of those "Halo" fan boys but after playing the game, (both twice) i have to say i really enjoyed and wanted to play more of it, and unlike fans of the first halo i didn't have to wait long for more story and game play. We played both games over xbox live against real people and after a while i was able to do all right, i think near the end i averaged around 1 death 1 kill then we moved onto the second game. This was quite the change, we got new weapons and saw some of our favorite weapons get changed for better or worse but we played through, and kept on trucking, i have to say im not that much of a fan of the duel wielding but it was a nice open when having 2 needlers. The reason why im writing this post about halo is because saturday night Jordan Stefan and myself played some 3 player online play and it reminded me of how much i loved the game. I hope sometime in the near future we can play it again, Stefan was able to pick up the game quicker then i expected and started to make me look like crap. But we had some fun even though it took awhile at first to get the game going. Halo 3 has some neat new features to it. You are able to edit maps and create movies, we showed Stefan some of the movies (And i could tell he didn't seem to care as much as Jordan and I had about them). So yeah Halo is fun. Play it.
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