"" Requiem of the mind: Oh look another post

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Oh look another post

So we have been playing a DS game for the past few weeks now. Jump! Ultimate Stars. It has popular characters from the Shounen Jump manga magazine in Japan. It is always very addictive. So every week Jordan Stefan and myself have gotten together to play this. We make our own decks and fight each other. Now while im not very good at it, I am having a fun time and I can't wait to get together tonight to play again. I have made a few new decks which i hope might win me a few games, but if not well ill have fun anyways. Also we have been playing some Carcassonne on the Xbox which is also very fun. If you haven't played the board game it is a tile based game. Each turn a place gets a time from the pile and has to place it in a spot where the terrain would match all 4 sides. Then you can place a worker/slave/meeple on either the grass land, road, city or temple. At the end of the game (or when certain tiles are complete) you receive points. And the person with the most win. While i don't win at this game, i can say i dont come in last :D. Lastly we started playing Puzzle Fighter. Which is freaking awesome. Mix tetris with Street Fighter and you have Puzzle fighter. Words can not describe how fun this game is, and whoever is winning can lose at the turn of the hat just by getting the right blocks at the right time. Very fun. Anyways I suggest my readers who haven't tried these games to go out and give them a whirl, and if you don't like them, well i guess it sucks to be you?



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