"" Requiem of the mind: December 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007


Sorry Busy with the holiday season upon us. Ill be back to updating this tri-weekly(correct word?) sometime this week or next. Take care all and Merry Christmas, or whatever you are celebrating. Also if you are looking to get me gifts, you cant go wrong with gift cards!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Tv Shows

We dont have cable anymore. And thats my Blog about tv shows this week. Also its cold and im tired.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Week ending December 14

Well lets see what has happened to me this week. I was/am fighting a cold. God bless Nyquil. And my joints and back are very sore, im blaming the long shifts iv been having to work to make up for the people we are missing from over night. But other then that im doing fine. I finished my Christmas shopping for the year and all i need to do now is wrap my gifts for my parents brother and niece. I hope they all like what i got them. For myself im expecting some clothing (much needed btw) and maybe a book or two to read. If dont get a book i can always grab a handful for myself in the new year. Nathan recently emailed Jordan and I about the author they found to finish the Wheel of Time series, which im glad they have found, right now im at the point that i dont care how it ends, as long as it ends. I have the same feeling for the Sword of truth series (which incase you didn't know just ended in November with its final book Confessor). Thats all i have i have to report for this week, take care of yourselves and watch the roads, they are slippery.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Halo nurse

So around 6-9 monthes ago Jordan and i started playing a Trilogy. Halo. We had both known about the series but never played and after knowing halo 3 would be coming out this fall we decided to tackle halo 1 and 2 before it launched. I have to admit i never thought id be one of those "Halo" fan boys but after playing the game, (both twice) i have to say i really enjoyed and wanted to play more of it, and unlike fans of the first halo i didn't have to wait long for more story and game play. We played both games over xbox live against real people and after a while i was able to do all right, i think near the end i averaged around 1 death 1 kill then we moved onto the second game. This was quite the change, we got new weapons and saw some of our favorite weapons get changed for better or worse but we played through, and kept on trucking, i have to say im not that much of a fan of the duel wielding but it was a nice open when having 2 needlers. The reason why im writing this post about halo is because saturday night Jordan Stefan and myself played some 3 player online play and it reminded me of how much i loved the game. I hope sometime in the near future we can play it again, Stefan was able to pick up the game quicker then i expected and started to make me look like crap. But we had some fun even though it took awhile at first to get the game going. Halo 3 has some neat new features to it. You are able to edit maps and create movies, we showed Stefan some of the movies (And i could tell he didn't seem to care as much as Jordan and I had about them). So yeah Halo is fun. Play it.


Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm sick

Well this blog post was suppose to be about tv shows/movies/or other entertainment (not gaming). But I believe i am coming down with a flu/cold (i never knew the difference) Im all stuffed up iv got a nice wet cough and im sore all over, my joints and bone hurt, just sitting here is hurting, and standing isnt much better. I tried to get some nyquil(sp?) at the store before i left but since we dont have a pharmacy we dont sell it, so i have to wait for one to open and have my roommate/landlord to drive me up to get some. I guess thats it, being sick sucks.


Friday, December 07, 2007

Week ending December 7

So lets see what has happened that is worth mentioning this week. Well first off all 6shifts a week sucks really badly, i always get home and just want to crawl into bed and sleep. But if i do that ill either wake up a few hours later or before work, so i wont get anything done. Luckily 2 of us have 2 nights off this coming week so im really excited about that, maybe ill be able to soak for awhile and relax. Probably not though.. I finished christmas shopping yesterday, i spent a lot of money and i cringe when i think about it but well its done, and my bills are paid so thats good. We got almost 2 feet of snow this week and that was fun...*cough* the phone at work was ringing all night and its not a quiet phone, it rings throughout the store and everytime it rings i jump. So i was almost shaking that night. Not to much else has happened to me this week so I guess ill end this with a suggestion. If you have played portal goto www.vgcats.com if you have not. I do not go. I repeat do not go if you have not played portal, spoiler alert, spoiler alert.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Oh look another post

So we have been playing a DS game for the past few weeks now. Jump! Ultimate Stars. It has popular characters from the Shounen Jump manga magazine in Japan. It is always very addictive. So every week Jordan Stefan and myself have gotten together to play this. We make our own decks and fight each other. Now while im not very good at it, I am having a fun time and I can't wait to get together tonight to play again. I have made a few new decks which i hope might win me a few games, but if not well ill have fun anyways. Also we have been playing some Carcassonne on the Xbox which is also very fun. If you haven't played the board game it is a tile based game. Each turn a place gets a time from the pile and has to place it in a spot where the terrain would match all 4 sides. Then you can place a worker/slave/meeple on either the grass land, road, city or temple. At the end of the game (or when certain tiles are complete) you receive points. And the person with the most win. While i don't win at this game, i can say i dont come in last :D. Lastly we started playing Puzzle Fighter. Which is freaking awesome. Mix tetris with Street Fighter and you have Puzzle fighter. Words can not describe how fun this game is, and whoever is winning can lose at the turn of the hat just by getting the right blocks at the right time. Very fun. Anyways I suggest my readers who haven't tried these games to go out and give them a whirl, and if you don't like them, well i guess it sucks to be you?


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy anniversary

Well its been a year to the day since i updated this place. What have i been up to? Well I'm finally working again, so thats new. I had a job at a call center for a month but it didn't last it was giving me headaches so i felt it best to look for another line of work. So after a few more weeks of looking i found a stocking job at a local grocery store and well iv been there ever since. It has been about 6 months now (Which reminds me i should be getting a raise soon....) and it is all right, we are short staffed 2 people right now, one of the guy broke his foot at work while the other person (my boss) is out with a kidney infection and a neck injury. I have been reading a lot of comics recently. Before Stefan left this country to teach english (lol i almost typed engrish :P) in japan he left me 2 huge boxes of comics to read, I can proudly say (yeah thats sad that im proud about this) i have read most if not all of them. Last week he gave me a few more of the Ultimate marvel series (which i love) and have almost finished them. I am still be into World of warcraft (and probably will be for a long time). We still have the 2 cats at this house and i still have them. Even though somedays i tolerate their presence and pet one of them. I got a new neighbor a few weeks back, she isn't loud or anything but every once in awhile i hear a thud from upstairs, I am able to sleep without getting woken up now. I think the most part of it was i wasn't use to someone living above me, and now i am use to it. I probably wont get sleep when She and Jordan get their own place in the new year. Well thats all the news I have right now. I recently downloaded a reminder program to help me with updating this place regularly. Lets hope it works.