"" Requiem of the mind: Vandal! (No Not John)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Vandal! (No Not John)

Ill start with the subject then go off onto other things as i usually do...
While walking from head hall to Tiley for my math class i saw broken egg shells and splatter marks along the walkways from toole to carlton. I figured it was just one of the many residents just being ummm idiots? After my Econimics class (which is after my math class) I was walking back home and saw that the vandalism wasnt just the eggs i saw earlier. There was a bench in front of the library (Harriet Irving) that was on the hill and a bunch of concrete all over the large step infront of the building. I noticed that the bench was at an odd angle. I saw the missing leg of the bench a second or two later close to Poet's corner. As i continued my walk i saw that the globe on top of a lamppost had a burnt hole in it. Now these globes must be made of plastic, if not it probably took someone with a blowtorch to burn that hole in it (which probably wouldnt be worth the risk of doing it). So that was my day today. Oh i wrote a math test which i think i aced so im happy about that.

My last two weeks have been a hellish. I almost had a breakdown at my parents for thanksgiving. Yay..... Iv finally caught up to my work load and have been able to grasp the topics we are talking about in all my classes so that is a god sent. I got 4 more assignments this week but they dont look to bad so no more reason to pull out my hair while working (i wish i was joking iv been pulling hair out by the hand full but luckily i have nice and thick hair so its not noticable). Usually im up for typing more then this but im done.

Oh! On closing iv been watching this music video by My Barbarian. Its probably one of the gayest things iv seen but each time i watch it i cant help but giggle at it.

One or two more things. Shockwave and Yahoo have some games iv been playing. Each of which only take a few minutes to play each (10-15 max) and those have helped me keep my sanity.


At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bunch of savages in this town.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Requiem said...



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