"" Requiem of the mind: The Storm

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Storm

Sunday I was tired and sore and spent most of it in bed trying to rest up. I knew at the time i should be working on my massive amount of homework but i was also to tired to move. So i watched some tv and sleep in an out for most of the day. Today i awoke late and decided id stay home anyway and get the weeks worth of homework done now so i could have some free time with my friends thursday (if possible) before i go home for the long weekend. I have Math, Computer Organization, Theory and computations, and a C program to do. I'll most likly get the C program done tomorrow after class then spend the rest of the day studying for my midterm the next day. The midterm wont be bad its a 40 question multi-choice test. Which brings to say that almost everyone passes this course and a B in the class is like somewheres between a 60-70 percent. So I better do good in the class. The only thing i paranoid about is missing my Computer Organization class. I'm still not sure whats going on the course so i hope if i can get the assignments done, read the book, and get all the labs done well ill pass the class and never have to worry about it again. So thats been my plan and my last few days. Wee.....


At 8:27 PM, Blogger Requiem said...

Well just finished my Math and Theory and computation homework. Yay. Tomorrow ill get my C done and study for my midterm. If there is time ill get my comp org. 1 done too. That will give me a little time wesnesday night to recheck my math and study for a quiz and give me time to clean my room thursday and pack for my trip home for the long weekend.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Jordan said...

There's a long weekend coming up? The friday or the monday? And for what?

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Requiem said...

Monday is thanksgiving.

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have any Comp. Org. questions (especially digital logic stuff) and can't be bothered to trouble the prof with them, feel free to ask me. I think it is supposed to be my "alley".

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Requiem said...

Good to know. Thanks


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