"" Requiem of the mind: Xenomorphs? No Xenogears

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Xenomorphs? No Xenogears

I was out with Jordan today to get some party supplies and to return a purchase of mine when we stopped in at Gamezilla. It has been atleast a year since I was in there and it was nice to look around there again. We looked at the anime, manga, (i looked at the comics), board games and video games. I saw a game i wanted and i knew Jordan might want it so when i saw it i just pivotted and walked to the checkout to get the owner to get it for me. Jordan didn't know what i saw but was very curious he saw it once i was there asking about it. This is a game i had in the past but traded for another game when i was in grade 12. I regret it to this day. We both saw it at EB once a few years ago for 100 dollars. Thats right a game that was 3-4 years old at the time for about 30 dollars more then it was when it first came out. Anyways it was 40 dollars at gamezilla and im glad i got it. I will be taking it down to my parents with me over the christmas break to play. This is my list of games to play and beat while im downt here. Indigo prophecy (i should be able to beat this game in like 1-2 hours so no problem), Arc the Lad Twilight of the spirits (im at the last level so again another couple of hours). Star Wars: Knights of the old republic (Im rather far in it, maybe playing it for 2 days and i could be done), i may bring my gameboy with me to finish up pokemon if im not done at the time, and then Xenogears.

I'm in my exam run now, i have 3 left, thursday,friday monday. On saturday i'm going to our annual christmas get together and i cant wait. Im going to sing kareokee(sp?) with darcy and i already have a song picked out. Endless love. Atleast i think it will be funny.

Anyways that's it for now. Cya.


At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zulma you are so sexy roflcopter....

guess who this is :D

I R your #1 Fan

PS i pwnd noobie trolls like you


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