"" Requiem of the mind: Posts Posts Posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Posts Posts Posts

I have a lab starting in about 9 minutes and as i looked around the room i noticed that it is snowing again. I don't know why this always amazes me when i see snow falling from the sky but it just does. This lab is already confusing. We are writting in assembler today and i thought it wouldnt be a problem but first of all the notes for the lab were incorrect. The pages listed were not the pages need to do this. After looking through the text i was able to find the correct pages and share them with my lab partners. I hope the prof helps us with this so i wont have to be here longer then an hour. I need to head up to my old office from the summer to help some people there with some problems. I wonder if ill get paid hrm...

Anyways the prof is about to walk in and i dont want him to notice im bad mouthing his lab notes. Ill update again when i get some free time.


At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the worst part about my labs in that course were that we were unfortunately saddled with a lab instructor that didn't really know what they were doing. Unfortunate for us, and for the poor instructor.


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