If zombies attacked.
So say on day you are sitting at your computer having a debate with people about who was the superior captain, Kirk or Picard and then you hear a scratching at your window. You look outside and see a partial decomposed face looking at you trying to get in to feast on your brain. What do you do?
Well I have been been job hunting for awhile and browsing the web looking at anything that peaks my interest and I saw this, from the zombie survival book.
10 ways to get ready for the upcoming threat:
1. Organize before they rise!
2. They feel no fear, why should you?
3. Use your head: cut off theirs.
4. Blades don't need reloading.
5. Ideal protection = tight clothes, short hair.
6. Get up the stair case, then destroy it.
7. Get out of the car and onto the bike.
8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert!
9. No place is safe, only safer.
10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on
Now you may wonder we can win against the zombies but can we really? I mean how many zombies could raise from the grave? If the bodies are decomposed enough they would be skeletons or maybe ghouls, at what stage do they stop being zombie and become an animated skeleton with a little flesh left behind?
So we know the sure fire way to stop a zombie is to remove its head. But a brain dies after not having oxygen for 10 minutes (it may be more it may be less but lets use this ball park figure). So if we use a sword to remove a zombie's head would it still be a threat for the 10 minutes? Could it's head roll to you and bite your ankle making you one of the walking dead (we will get back to this part later)? If so it may be impossible to stop the zombie threat.
So from most movies, or should i say soon to be documentaries of the upcoming threat we see that most zombies are slow. Which give us normals a chance to get away from them, but do zombies get tired after slowly walking after us? Mostly likely not. Also they have numbers. So lets say there isn't a higher power controlling them while running from we are most likely to run into more and be doomed. Also in these documentaries we see that a single bite and sometimes a scratch can lead to zombification. So what is stopping this disease from becoming air born? Then even the people who are held up in say a mall would eventually catch the disease and become the walking dead.
So the dead are outside and want to get in. Now these are all people who were dead before. So even if you died of natural causes during the invasion would you really need to be biten or scratched by a zombie to become one upon dead? Mostly likely not. So while running for your lives do you bring friends with you? Knowing that if you cant find food or water they will turn on you or you on them? There is safety in numbers, but remember the zombies have more numbers then you do and thier army is growing.
Now lets say the zombies need living brains to survive. What happens after all human life is gone (After all you know the zombies will win because they have the numbers and well a winning attitude)? Will they starve to death? Well there is a problem there if they did starve to death upon dieing they would just rise again looking for food. So either way the zombie threat will live on.
In closing i know the coming war against humans and zombies looks bleak but there is one small chance of survival. If watching any of these documentaries have taught me anything it is... is... is there a scratching at my window....oh god...