"" Requiem of the mind: I have no idea what im going to do...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I have no idea what im going to do...

So I had my second interview at UPS yesterday and i believed it went well. I was told id hear back in the next day or two. Today about an hour ago I got a call back from the Wondalynn. A job I wanted more the UPS job (at the time). They told me they could pay me what I was asking and offered me $2.50. No I'm in a pickle. I'm waiting to hear back from UPS and I have a job offer. The diffrence between the two jobs is now almost 4 dollars. And after a year at UPS it would be 5 dollars. I asked the man from Wondalynn if I could get the number and call him back. I then called UPS and left a message if I could get contacted if im in the running for the new opennings there. I have yet to hear back (and probably wont hear back until tomorrow). I believe there is a law somewheres that if the worse case can happen it will happen (or something along those lines). This has happened to me today. If I wait to long i could end up losing both jobs. If I take the inn job I might lose out on the better paying one. I could almost scream right now.

Also I'm sure some of you are thinking "what dont you take one job and then take the other if you get it". Well because it fucks over the first job i had. And maybe someday down the line i need a job at thats the only place thats offering. Anyways time will tell and mostly likely with my luck i still wont have a job....sigh this sucks.


At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention when i called UPS to leave the message i was also stammering on the phone and at one point while giving my phone number i forgot. Yeah im sure that will help my case.....

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Stefan Robak said...

Well, my suggestion is that you go for the job your most interested in (which I believe is the auditing job) I suggest you try going for that one. But that's just my way of doing things.

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the auditing job until i was informed id be making 2.50 less then i was expecting.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Jordan said...

Also I'm sure some of you are thinking "what dont you take one job and then take the other if you get it".
This is definitely not what I was thinking. I think that would be an incredibly bad idea.

In any case...

Are there any intangibles to set the two jobs apart? Benefits? Location? Shifts vs. fixed hours? Flexibility? Which one is more interesting? Room for advancement? Working with people vs. working alone? These are things that should be considered.

Also, did you have any indication about how much interest there was in the Wandlyn job? I mean, if they only interviewed a couple of people, they're probably not going to drop you if you don't get back to them immediately.

All things being equal though, my advice, which I feel that I'm at least somewhat qualified to offer, as I've been in a nearly identical situation before (everything always seems to happen at once), is to stall for however long you're confortable, although probably not more than a day or two at most, and if you still haven't heard back from UPS then take the Wandlyn job. You shouldn't pass up a definite offer for a possible better future offer. Much better to kick yourself over making less than you might have then kick yourself over making nothing at all.

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The UPS job is fixed hours but only part time at first. There is a long of chance to more up there to. Wondalynn would be mostly alone unless there is a noise disturbance or lots of people leaving int he middle of the night.

Well when i had my interview there almost 2 weeks ago he said he had a few more people to interview, and then i heard back yesterday, so either he couldnt schedule them, there was more then a few, or other people didnt want it and he moved down the list.

Im waiting today to hopefully hear back from UPS, as i said i left a message for the guy to please call me back so i hope he actually does....


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